Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Day

Today we finally had some sun for Mothers Day. That was my biggest wish after the last week or so of rain. Believe it or not I actually wanted to plant things. We planted 5 new rose bushes, petunias that we bought from the Boy Scouts and a whole flower bed of strawberries. I still don't exactly find it relaxing but I am starting to enjoy gardening more. My yard keeps giving me presents. I have more and more flowers and bushes popping up everday. I still don't know half the time if the plants are weeds or flowers but I am learning. I spent the majority of the weekend going to rummage sales. My Mother-in-law and I plus 5 kids and her significant other. I called her Thursday and said "what are you doing tommorrow, there's a subdivision yard sale with 65 yard sales tommorrow" So they all came to spend the night and we drug all those kids out at the crack of dawn and took 2 vehicles. We hit the mother load of yard sales. We filled both cars 2x and still have 3 large items to pick up. Then on Friday after she got home, she called me to say a subdivision by her was having a yard sale with 50 plus sales. So me and the kids drove down to spend the night and drive around to mega yard sales again. My MIL and her SO are moving to a much larger home soon. So we are filling alot of space quickly. We furnished a majority of it at the rummage sales and we had a blast doing so. We couldn't believe the deals we found. I also found a few great deals for our house including a large cedar swing set and a patio set. We even found Danny a power wheels train with 40 feet of track. I even set her up with toys, books, movies, bikes and a little tikes slide for the back yard. My kids will love to be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooo! Yard sales! Gotta love it when you get a good deal at one!