Saturday, January 21, 2006

Dinner and a Movie

Last night was so great. I went to dinner and a movie with my girlfriends. This special occasion is usually reserved for our birthdays but they made an exception for me since I am moving away. We went to my favorite Mexican food restaraunt: Guadalaharrys and then to see "Last Holiday" (a very funny movie). Other moms understand how rare it is to go out.
I am really blessed. My friends are like sisters to me. I don't have a lot of really close friends but the ones I do have are golden. They have been there for me through really tough times and really good times. I don't know what I am going to do when I move. I talk to Tracie almost every single day and see her almost every day too. I don't know what I will do when I can't just pop over anytime. I lean on her alot and I depend on her. She is a great scrapbooking buddy too. I have scrapbooked with her more than anyone else. She motivates me to work, like no one else. She accepts me for who I am and I love her for that.

Teri and I met through our husbands and we turned out to be closer friends than our hubbies. She has trusted me to watch both of her girls while she worked since they were babies. We are like family, we accept each other unconditionally and we have been able to tell each other anything. She is a great workout partner and has motivated me to do things I never thought I was capable of. She also keeps my hair looking great and keeps me feeling good about myself.

Glenda is way too young to be my mom, but she is my surrogate mom. She loves me as much as if I were her daughter and I love her as much as if she were my mom. She is a great listener. With Creative Memories she is my other half. We are a perfect team. She and I motivate each other, bounce ideas off each other, share products, and keep each other on track. I can't imagine running my business without her to be my tag team partner.

I met Desiree a year ago through the internet of all places. With blind faith I drove to her house to scrapbook together. We hit it off from the first moment. She is kind, generous and has a terriffic sense of humor. She is an extremely talented scrapbooker. Her layouts are amazing. I hate it that I am leaving without having spent more time with her.

Thank goodness for the internet, email and the telephone. I am going to miss my girls!!!!

1 comment:

Menjiness said...

It was so fun to be out and meet new people! I am going to miss you so much, but that is what the internet and planes are for right?

You are such a wonderful person and I love you bunches. Thank you for being who you are :)

Desiree :)