Sunday, June 04, 2006

I fought it really hard...but it happened anyway

I am officially a gardener. Mind you I still know very little about gardening and still can't tell you what half the things in my yard are. It happened without me even realizing it. I started spending more and more time out there as the yard kept offering me more gifts and now I am outside more than I am inside. I am always outside working on one of my 19 different flower beds , the yard, the trees and shrubs and now my newly planted pumpkin patch and vegetable garden. The former owner, I have come to find out through neighbors, was a gardener and he was retired. He spent most of his days outside planting and working. The fruits of his labors have paid off big time for me. All the presents I am receiving are coming from the hard work he started. I am amazed everytime I look at the flowers that this is actually my yard. I would have never gotten to this point on my own, now my option is to run with it or destroy it. I have run with it!!

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