Saturday, December 17, 2005

Insanity is setting in

Well it is a week until Christmas and 6 days before our company arrives. I am feeling insane trying to finish getting ready. Today I wrapped at least 100 presents, at least that is what it felt like. I went shopping for dress shoes with the kids -Madison wants to buy every pair in the store and Danny wants to wreck everything in the store and refused to let me try them on him. Did I mention how much fun shopping with kids can be? We hit Target for the essentials (laundry detergent, et al) and Madison decided she wanted to do her shopping. She said Mom I am going to buy your present so don't look and proceeded to put MY present in our cart (is it my present if I pay for it?) She is quite a character-her dad said she learned how to shop from me! By the time we made it to the grocery store, Danny had pulled out a large chunk of Madison's hair and I had no patience left, plus I was trying to figure out where on earth I was going to put all the groceries since I had filled up the back of my Cherokee with my Target run. Maybe next time I should rent a U-Haul. My checklist is getting smaller though. I still have 4 7x7 albums to finish before Friday and I have only started one (it is almost done). I have lots of cleaning to do still too. I think by Friday the insanity should be nice and set in...

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